Our March Lawncrest Community Design Workshops were another success in receiving your input! The 2 Design workshops were attended by 40 + community members. We were excited to see so many familiar faces from the December sessions as well as so many new faces. Your energy and voices were heard loud and clear!
During the meeting we held 6 breakout sessions- 3 on each event day. Each session had 45 minutes of discussion with the Lawncrest team. They were followed by 20 minutes of report back by a member of the community who was within that room. Here are key items that were talked about:
The use of play to connect the rec center and library
The need for flexible, multifunctional spaces both in the rec center and library
Improved, programmed outdoor spaces
Inclusion of modern technology in the projects
Concern over vandalism and illegal parking on site
We were glad to hear of your excitement and responsive to the layout presented. Neighbors shared that they want to see a mixture of space sizes to hold all the current and future programs at the Rec and Library. Quiet spaces at the Library and better technologies at the Rec and Library were important. Creating a more unified site was a high priority for community members. We heard many things such as: a fitness loop around the site, and a splash pad outside the pool area to help cool down during the hot months. A plaza/gathering space for community events was also mentioned. Finally, members also shared recommendations for safety and security improvements.
Our next step is to take all the current feedback to date and design layouts that include the suggestions. Once drawn, we will look to you again for more feedback and to make sure we captured your ideas well.
Stay tuned and stay connected!